

Welcome to Pixelated Mushroom!

My name is Nyss and I'm a librarian based in Australia who likes to knit, crochet, juggle and firetwirl (but not all at once). This is predominantly a craft blog, including adventures in knitting, crochet and a little bit of spinning.

My patterns (free and otherwise) are listed on the Patterns Page.

Email - pixelatedmushroom@gmail.com

Ravelry - Patterns | Projects

Instagram - @pixelatedmushroom

Finished items for sale - Etsy Shop (US prices)



Feel free to link to my patterns page but please do not reproduce my designs.

Selling items made from my patterns 

You may create items made my patterns for yourself, for gifts and for charity.

In the interests of keeping my doctor who designs free for everyone to use, do not sell finished items.

If you are hoping to sell finished items based on my non-doctor who designs, please email me first. I may grant permission on a case by case basis depending on the pattern you are interested in using.

Use of images

I am happy for my images to be used on blogs/websites as long as they are credited/linked back to this blog.
