

Gloves | Scarves | Doctor Who
Many patterns are freely available. Patterns for sale are instant purchases through Paypal (no logins or accounts required)

Patterns also available via Ravelry

      Chiaroscuro fingerless gloves

Chiaroscuro - in painting, photography and cinema - strong contrasts between dark and light serving to achieve a sense of depth and volume.
This pattern was designed to feature metallic yarn (or other specialty fibres) without the commitment of a full garment.

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      Linen stitch gloves

These simple, cosy linen stitch gloves make the perfect gift for winter. Knit from the fingers down, a woven effect is easily created in a cosy and stretchy fabric. Slipped stitches provide a useful recipe for breaking up variegated yarn, while the regular stitch provides an elegant design for both men and women.

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"There, down the roofless wall did glow
The zun upon the grassy vloor,
An' weakly-wandren winds did blow,
Unhinder'd by a door"
(The Castle Ruins - William Barnes)

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      Ghost Train Gloves

"Do but listen for a moment to the wind in this unnatural valley while we speak so low" (Dickens - The Signalman)

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      Mobius Mitts v1 (crochet)

Gloves based on a Möbius loop where you work either side of the foundation chain, starting in the middle and working outwards.

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      Mobius Mitts v2 (knit)

Gloves based on a möbius loop, knit flat and then given a half twist. Great for those new to ribbing and cables.

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      Imladris Fingerless Gloves

Reminiscent of Elrond's house and gardens, with a twisting cable of front-post-treble-crochet in between two vertical lines of front-post-double-crochet, worked on a backing of half-double-crochet.
This pattern is currently being reworked

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      Green Tea Scarf

Knitting pattern for those wanting to try some easy cables. If you are a more experienced knitter this one will be a fun quick knit.

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Doctor Who
See the full set of my Doctor Who patterns on Ravelry (no log in required)
Mini Doctors
Create your own set of miniature Doctors!

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