
Coming soon...

Thursday, April 29, 2010
This blog has been too quiet of late - but there is lots of pixelatedymushroomy fun coming up:A Nintendo related afghan project: An illusiony DrWho related knit: A new fingerless gloves pattern: And hopefully some special pattern add ons from 10_point_5! Visit again soon! ...



Giveaway Winner - Green Tea Scarf Pattern

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
And two winners of the Green Tea Scarf Pattern are...Jess from Graceful Rose Designs and Ana (fisiwoman)If you could please check your emails - I have sent you your free patterns!Thanks very much to everyone who entered and for all your helpful ideas!This blog has been very quiet lately because life has been busy, but there will be lots more coming up soon!...



Green Tea Scarf Pattern Giveaway

Sunday, April 11, 2010
We're heading into Winter here in Australia - so I've been working on a knitting pattern for this Green Tea scarf. I wanted a warm but not too thick scarf for myself, and this is what I came up with. It's a simple cable pattern waith a colour change in the centre. Update 28 Dec 2013: Pattern now a free download $2.00 US...



Oh no - missing suspenders!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Oh no - I just saw this image and realised my Matt Smith plushie doesn't have suspenders! So now I've added some, and added them to the pattern too Download free pattern for mini doctors from the patterns page ...



Free crochet pattern: Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor

Monday, April 05, 2010
Not quite in time for the new series but close enough! A new pattern for Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor! I loved the new episode :) and wanted to have this out to celebrate. Download the pattern from the Patterns page as part of the Mini Doctor Who's pattern. I know the shirt colour is wrong, but there weren't many pics out when...

