Lovely day in the Dandenongs with my mum today Lots of Autumn colours - which reminded me of two beautiful patterns by my favourite podcaster Alana Dakos (Never Not Knitting) Oak Grove Seedling ...
So after moving house twice and all our mold problems of last year, which followed us to our lovely new (dry) apartment and ruined half our stuff... we got up yesterday morning to start our much needed easter holiday with a few bites of hotcross bun, and looked overto see water spreading across a third of the living room :( After 4 hours of mopping up...
Hi lovely readers Just wanted to say sorry to those who are waiting on replies to emails - I hope to be able to reply soon Haven't slept much this week and have a sore throat :( Think I might be coming down with something :/ Staring at pretty fiber will help I'm sure :) Childhood Dreams - Handpainted Extra Fine Merino...
Stand out pattern for me from Knitty Spring+Summer 2011 is Verdant by Susan Newhall. Pattern comes with instructions for what seems like an interesting stitch technique that I will have a closer look at later Rivercat socks look pretty nice too but the shoes they're pictured in really put me off. I like the other photos further down though :) ...
After favouriting far too many lace shawls on Ravlery and getting this purpley-blue lace yarn for Christmas, I knew I had to have a go ^_^ If you look closely you can see the lifelines I've been adding in every second row I've worked my way up to completing around 4 rows on my 50min commute, with a train change or two in...
Eep look what arrived in the letterbox today from lylianmae! It's sooo pretty and she has some rather timey whimey fleece for you Who fans too :) Before I can spin this exciting batt, I need to finish what is currently on my wheel - which is this completely gorgeous Merino Bamboo blend from extremespinning I find it difficult that you need to...
Complex technique experimentation Lee Meredith's (leethal) Sideways Edge Cast-On Techniques I've never tried before Crochet Jacquard from Danielle Kassner Kool-aid dyeing tutorials (I haven't seen kool-aid in Australia so maybe I'm just jealous :p) Lee Meredith snowangels Knit One, Blog Two craftstylish ...