To finish the year, I'm featuring some of the special projects that have sprung up for various patterns. It's so inspiring to see everyone's individual colour choices and creativity! Today's pattern is Mobius Mitts v1 Download pattern PDF | Add to your Ravelry library seljatar | silvermoon-dragon kristarella | CodeM0nkey soj | sqwhirl To see the full list of projects, visit Ravelry: ...
Happy Christmas everyone! Hope everyone had some lovely celebrations. It was great to see the new Christmas Tree TARDIS projects springing up over December. I only managed one gift-knit this year - some Randiriel socks for my Mum. They fit! Hooray! Pattern: Randiriel socks by Alexandra Wiedmayer (travelling cables variation) Sock knitting is becoming more enjoyable over time - and I love the look and...