
Fezzes are cool - new pattern

Thursday, June 23, 2011

“It’s a fez, I wear a fez now… Fezzes are cool”
(The Big Bang, 2010)

Flip top mitts featuring Matt Smith’s bowtie and favourite fez. This pattern idea to me in a flash and it made me laugh, so I just had to write it up - I hope you laugh too! Mitts flip towards front of hand & fasten with buttons so as not to obscure bowtie ^_^ enjoy!

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list of all my doctor who patterns | all blog posts about doctor who

3.5mm circ + spare needle/waste yarn
2 stitch markers
2 buttons

Skills required
Being comfortable working on circular needle (or dpns)
inc – knit into front and back of stitch to increase
ssk – slip, slip, knit
k2tog – knit two sts together

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  1. @Melissa - Thanks ^_^ I hope the Doctor would think so too

    @sassypackrat - Loving your current icon ^_^ super cute penguins as always

  2. @MidknightStarr thanks ^_^ love the banner on your LJ :)

  3. I almost want to add a little mop-shaped thumb cover....

    These are adorable, nice job!

  4. Thanks! lol that's an awesome idea :p

  5. L.O.V.E. I don't knit, but I might have to work up something similar in crochet!

  6. cool :) would love to see it if you do crochet a pair!

  7. I love these! Now I really want to make them for my sister for Christmas, but I haven't had much luck with knitting gloves and glove-like things in the past... I suppose I'll just have to try again. :)

  8. @Etoile thanks! I hope they work for you :) the main part can get a little dull but it's worth it when you get up to the fez as it's fun to knit :)

  9. I hope this isn't too weird (you watch Dr. Who then crochet AMAZING things for it, so probably not) but are you a Nerdfighter? The last picture, it looks a bit like you are are making the sign, but the covers are on... :D

  10. @Sydeny hehe nope - i had to look it up to know what it was - but you're right :p It does look like the sign :)

