I miss my blog! It's been a really horrible month :( I have a few blog posts lined up - just need to find a moment to post them. In the meanwhile, one cool thing i have to show:During our mini trip to Brisbane for a club passing meetup, we found these giant yarn-bombed balls in Brisbane Square outside the City Library :)...
This is my latest slightly geeky creation - Möbius Mitts Download free pattern PDF The idea came from the instruction that you see on many crochet patterns: ‘be careful not to twist the chain’ so my thought was… what happens if you do? The beauty of the möbius loop for knitting and crochet is that you get to work either side of the...
So much for finishing my new pattern on the weekend! Turned out to be a lot tricker than expected but it's well on the way.Here's an in-progress sneak peak:I also have some weekend plans coming up involving this lovely trainPhoto: AndyeMcee - Creative Commons Attribution-Share AlikeAnd some club passing fun (not fire this time but should still be good :p) ...
My blog has been sadly neglected this month :( But I'm hoping to have a new free pattern ready this weekendIn the meanwhile I have been knitting these teal coloured gloves, and have just added them to my shop (made from my ghost train gloves pattern):and these blue shorter ones as a commission for a friend: ...