
Birthday fluff

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I got lots of lovely pressies for my bday this year!Black Storm - BFL Superwash Yarn by Dyeforwool (even prettier in real life than the pic on the listing + with a cool pirate logo)Sisters by SeaFindDesignsI've always loved sea glass and this teeny tiny necklace was lovelyAnd because I've been drooling over Chrissy's Multnomah shawls for ages, I couldn't resist ordering some...


fingerless gloves

Ruins testing and toroto

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sooo many drafts to get my Ruins pattern right, and a few different colour combinations and wool types too...I like this in-progress pic of lacesockslupins' test knit - what cool purple needles!She's got such a cute range of projects (with a sheep having a look at each ^_^) - look at these toroto gloves! ...


colour stranding


Friday, May 20, 2011
My new pattern at last! Much work to get this one published, many thanks to all the lovely testers ~~ Download free pattern (free as of 9 Nov 2014) View on Ravelry | View on Etsy “There, down the roofless wall did glow The zun upon the grassy vloor, An’ weakly-wandren winds did blow, Unhinder’d by a door” (The Castle Ruins - William...



More mobius mitts

Thursday, May 19, 2011
I have been playing with my stash trying to make some interesting colour combinations. Not sure how I feel about the green one, but I'm generally not really a green person so it's hard for me to judge:)Red sun risingRolling hills------See more posts about mobius loops ...



Wednesday wonders - IamShadow21's Arthur

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Good morning! I am wearing a pair of my hand knitted socks today for the very first time ^_^ Makes me happy!This week's wednesday wonder is IamShadow21's Cuddly Arthur (ravelry link)Ruth and Emma (who did his lovely hair) spent hours making this cute little guy. I love his costume and the transformation of his hairdo. See more of Ruth's projects on RavelryBase pattern:...



Mushroom sweater

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Don't you just love Jettshin's mushroom sweater? I love it so! (pics on Flickr if you don't have Rav login) It's based on Kate Davies' Paper Dolls pattern which I also love ^_^ image used with permission Momo has knitted so many beautiful sweaters - check them out - jettshin on Ravelry ...



My first shawl

Monday, May 16, 2011
Wheee! The shawl is done - I'm very proud and have already started a new shawl project and ordered too much shawl-ish wool onlineThe pattern is 198 yds of heaven by Christy Verity. It was a great first shawl pattern, and is a free download on ravely. The yarn is pure cashmire and was an xmas pressie from Robyn and I think this...



Mobius Mitts - along the shore

Thursday, May 12, 2011
So long since I had added anything to my etsy shop, but after finishing four personal projects last week - I was ready to get back to creating some etsy itemsMobius Mitts - along the shoreCream and blue cosy gloves hand crocheted with 100% wool.Follow the link for some more picsComing up in future weeks...-A giveaway to celebrate 100 etsy sales ^_^-Pics of...



Cpt. Malcolm Reynolds for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief

Monday, May 09, 2011
Firefly fan?Jump over and support Nerd Wars' Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief effort by bidding on m3clarity's awesome Captain Mal remake of my Cpt. Jack pattern. I can tell you that many many hours go into making one of these dolls - I hope that it goes for a good price"Once you meet him in person you will be saying “I love my...

