
Echo Flower Shawl

Saturday, December 03, 2011
Pattern: Echo Flower Shawl by Jenny Johnson (thanks to Convoluted Penguin for taking a break from our beaching to take the pics) This was long in the making (2 months) but totally worth it ^_^ Very inspiring pattern with great results. I would like to try this again one day with thinner yarn, as the Socks that Rock lightweight was perhaps a little...



On the selling of BBC based plushies

Saturday, December 03, 2011
As requests to sell items made from my DrWho related patterns are becoming more common, I thought I'd do a short post on this topic. I have also hopefully made the copyright notice more clear on the patterns than it was initially, so if you were unsure, please read this post to find out more. The BBC has made its position known in...



Team Librarian DUCF sale

Saturday, December 03, 2011
Although I can't join in Team Librarian's stall at the Detroit Urban Craft Fair this weekend, I will join in with free shipping ^_^ Visit Pixelated Mushroom Enter DUCF2011 at checkout to get your free shipping Should be good timing for getting last minute Christmas gifts :) Other librarian shops with free shipping: excessivelydiverting sovereignsea suziesarmoire craftsbyquyen annearchy ...

