Had another attempt at shrinky plastic rings. Last time I only did two designs but this time I did quite a few. See planetjune's wonderful tutorial to if you're interested in making some yourself. Mushrooms! Celtic bands Another castle and some Tolkien themed ones Lots of fun :) Would people like if I did a giveaway? ...
A couple of big projects on the needles at the moment. Has anyone else made an Amelia or Harumi? Would love to see them if you have. Harumi shawl (rav link) by Emily Ross Amelia by Laura Chau ...
A yarn dyeing adventure with Slightly Squiffled equals the teal/black I had been wanting to make for ages! It turned out more speckled than I'd hoped, but i hope to have another play one day and make a darker more blended version with thinner yarn. And I also made some blue-y black And she gave me this yarn, as she was less fond of the...
I had an idea to create some mitts that laced up like a corset. My first attempt wasn't quite what I was visualising, but it's an interesting effect. Unlike some other corset mitts I've seen, I decided to make the holes part of the glove rather than leaving an opening for lacing. This would hopefully avoid stretch in the edges of the knitting...
Pattern: Windsbraut - Sommerwind shawl by Monika Eckert (Wollklabauter) This was a lovely free pattern, but involved a (rather hard on the eyes) full chart instead of a number of repeats. I didn't have enough yarn so had to rip back many rows before the edging to have enough. Even then I had to re-write the edging quite a lot of have enough yarn....
Pattern: Owlings by Kerrie James (rav link) Finding this pattern so handy for gift giving this year. I made another two sets of Owlings over the Christmas period, one in hand dyed organic merino in 'damson' from EdenCottageYarns, and the other in some of my early handspun (which turned out pretty colourful but the recipient enjoys lots of pretty bright colours). It's great to hear too that...
Knitted quite a few Christmas gifts this year again, although some of them were knitted earlier in the year. Thanks to all those designers who shared these wonderful free patterns ~For a friend~ Pattern: Cupcake Mittlets (Rav) by Shantha Ramachandran Yarn: hand dyed organic merino in 'damson' from EdenCottageYarns ~For my Grandma~ Pattern: 198 yds of heaven by Christy Verity (read previous blog post) ~For Dad~...
I started writing about Ravelry and the describing of knitterly information for a blog post, but decided to expand and submit it to the library magazine inCite. It was published with a few changes I didn't expect, and perhaps therefore has a different message from what I intended, but if you're interested in Ravelry/libraries you can read it here. Red and grey crochet book cover...
Can't wait play with shrinky plastic again! I used planetjune's wonderful tutorial to make these first attempts (a castle and a sort of garden thing) but I've got lots of other ideas! The tricky bit is shaping the plastic after its baked. I failed a little on this one, but hopefully will get better with practice! ...
These little lollies may look innocent, but they have made my last week of holidays very painful Ever since our 2005 trip, I remembered Tasmania as a land of tasty green sour lollies. This time, lured into a wonderful house of sweets, my eyes fell upon these super sour green apple delights. I put the first in my mouth and it literally burned....