fingerless gloves

Would you like to be a tester? - Chiaroscuro fingerless gloves

Thursday, July 10, 2014
A new pattern has recently been brewing...  The idea was to create a pattern that featured metallic yarn without the need to knit a full scarf or garment. The gloves are knit from the bottom up, in three sections. The first and third sections involve creating two layers for a shadowed appearance; the middle section involves a cable on the back of the...



Audio inspiration - knitting podcasts

Saturday, July 05, 2014
For quite a few years I've been meaning to share and give thanks to my favorite crafty podcasts for many hours of entertainment and inspiration. These dedicated podcasters have made my fairly lengthy commute bearable, and have become familiar voices in the crafty community. Listening over many years has made it clear how much work and dedication is required to keep these wonderful...

