Hi everyone! It's been a little while - I went to the Melbourne Juggling Convention where we did lots of club passing and help put up a geodesic dome In terms of crafting I've been working on this little light bulb terrarium which I came across first here I like how it turned out, and am tempted to try some miniature crochet to...
Thanks to MrKittysSoapShop for including my Imladris Gloves in this Tolkienesque collection :D ...
Thanks so much to kellyemeraldhart for including my scarf in this green tea-ish collection ^_^A lovely way to start the weekend during which I will be attending the ... ...
Hi everyone!I have lots of things to celebrate this month ^_^ 60 Etsy sales, 100 blog followers, and over 100 Ravelry hearts on my Mobius Mitts , David Tennant, and John Barrowman patterns!I've also been working on these new bi-colour Mobius Mitts. The second colour travels the border of the Mobius loop to accentuate it's twisted form:This colour variation has been added to...
Thanks to Chrisbeads for including my Imladris Gloves in this Australian collection of lovely red and black creations from the DUSTteam September colour themeYou can view the treasury hereMy favourite Chrisbeads creation is this Snake Bracelet Pattern - awesome! ...
I've been saving up these projects crafters have made from my patterns to show you all - each new one that appears makes me squee ^_^ Thanks to all those who contact me to show me their lovely creations :D If you wish to view more details about the below projects you might need a ravelry login, ravlery is wonderful and you should...