Enjoyed reading through all the patterns in the new Knitty Fall 2011 issue last weekend - such a wonderful publication.For me this time the highlight wasn't a garment but a trail of interesting and inspiring links that started with the awesome Double heelix by Jeny StaimanI progressed to her blog: Curious Knitter (which has many fascinating ideas), and ended up returning to my...
Hmm finally cast off my Cosette Wrap last night, and now need to decide how to go about fixing the dye problem. My dyeing experiment turned out lovely (imo), but also turns everything it touches lovely (ie bright blue) Apparently vinegar will work while blocking, but I already had quite a bit of vinegar in the initial dye pot - so I'm not...
If you're not a knitter and wanted a pair for yourself, the small pair I made while writing the pattern is now up in my etsy shopEnjoy :)Fezzes are cool - convertible mittsMore about this pattern and more pics ...
“It’s a fez, I wear a fez now… Fezzes are cool”(The Big Bang, 2010) Flip top mitts featuring Matt Smith’s bowtie and favourite fez. This pattern idea to me in a flash and it made me laugh, so I just had to write it up - I hope you laugh too! Mitts flip towards front of hand & fasten with buttons so as...
Despite not feeling any different, I think my spinning is getting a bit neater. I finished spinning this lovely Medley top from natchwoolie the other day. The reason I loved the look of this fleece was the question of how to combine the light and medium brown coloursIn the end I went with the majority of each colour plied with itself and then...
Have been meaning to show these for a little while now, but I was too busy wearing them :)This is my second pair of knitted socks, and are less of a success than the ones I knitted for mum, as I didn't put in the care or concentration (many holes in my short rows), but I'm liking having a pair of my own.These...
Can you guess? Can you guess? ...
Look what my wonderful friend from SlightlySquiffled made for my bday the other week!Skull and crossed knitting needlesCompanion Cube from Portal!and the Sheep that I like to draw everywhereSo happy!! ...
I've just been adding a few things to my Mobius Mitts pattern, including the video tutorials from my last post.Download Mobius Mitts patternI added in a page about arranging mitts to show the front or back side of the crochet. Thought blog readers might also be interested in this. The below notes are based on crocheting through both loops.Crochet has a front and...
This post is being revised, please return in a day or two, many apologies for any delay in your project ~ 2 Oct 2011 This post is being revised, please return in a day or two, many apologies for any delay in your project ~ 2 Oct 2011 ...
Such a lovely sunny wintery day today! ...
Discounted sample mitts worked as a test for my updated Ghost Train Gloves pattern. Only difference between right and left hands is a change in the thumb gusset where I was testing two different styles to find the best fit. Pop across to Etsy if you're interested ...
Hi lovely knittersI just wanted to let you know that I've added an option to this pattern for knitting the gloves in the round. I always prefer to knit in the round because then there's no seaming. There's also some improved images of cables and some general cleaning up of the pattern.Ghost Train GlovesPatterns page | Ravelry | Etsy ...
My Tubey is done ^_^Tubey (free pattern) by Cassie Rovitti(view on ravelry: pattern | my project)This was a time consuming knit! I lost motivation a little after the stranded section as the ribbing above it didn’t hold shape and created a puffy bit.The original Tubey pattern has lovely stripes, but I loved the look of uncia’s Onion Pink Tubey (rav login required) with...
Here's a cute little gift whipped up for a special friend getting married. Was a bit late because I got sick just before the wedding but I think she likes them :)Pattern:Owlings by Kerrie James (rav link)I kind of just made up the thumb because I was knitting on circs and the pattern was for dpns and I didn't feel like translating acrossI...