We are back from our travels and have got through the madness of the last weeks of work and Christmas. We had a fantastic time, and between visiting many castles and galleries I managed to seek out quite a bit of yarny goodness. The first yarn shop I visited was Woool in Den Haag. This was a lovely welcoming shop in a narrow...
Off on our travels! ...
After 6 weeks in plaster (netball injury) I have two hands again! I managed a fair bit of spinning and plain knitting while broken (Asunder with some handspun) but had to hold my right hand completely still and just use the left :( Looking forward to getting back into my favourite project (Honeybee Cardigan), but have very little mobility in my right wrist so...
I love my new Carousel socks :) finally a sock pattern than I enjoyed knitting. They look very crazy, but are comfy and very happy looking. They're made from with Schoeller+Stahl Fortissima Socka Mexiko Color and the ball is so large I might be able to make another pair :) Carousel (Rav) by Louise Robert ...
Going back to study has somewhat dampened my blogging schedule, but have been meaning to report back on our adventures at the Bendigo sheep and wool show. The website gave us no indication how exciting the show would be. I had thought perhaps we might get to browse a few stalls of woolly goodness. Turned out there were five large sheds of beautiful...
Here's my hat for Epheriell Designs' We'll be posting our contribution on Monday. The drive is close to ending, but head over to Epheriell Designs to check out all the warm woolies sent in so far. "My goal is to gather together 100 Beanies during July that I can donate to that box in the Day Oncology Unit. In fact – I’d love to...
Hi all, Kate and I decided we liked the look of this pattern a while back and are doing a little knit-along . If you're knitting them or think you might like to, let us know, we'd love more company! Currently we're chatting on twitter, and I'll start using the tag #carouselkal in case you wish to join Carousel (rav) by Louise Robert I'm...
I've perhaps been doing more queuing than knitting recently. Things have been rather stressful, and I haven't blogged as much as I'd like. If you'd like some more yarny (and tasty recipe) goodness, I've been enjoying bonitoclub's blog every day of June. In the queue Maluka by Bea Schmidt with my handspun Kookaburra and Bluestone from jumbukjulie Carousel (rav) by Louise Robert with Schoeller+Stahl Fortissima...
And the winner of the shrinky ring giveaway is.... Lulu! Please get in touch, Lulu, so I can send out the prize :) Thanks everyone for you lovely comments! And the winner of the shrinky ring giveaway is.... Lulu! Please get in touch, Lulu, so I can send out the prize :) Thanks everyone for you lovely comments! ...
My current design project seems to be taking forever. I've re-knitted it 5 times so far, and still haven't reached the outer edge of the hat. It does improve a little each time, but I think in the future I need to take a more mathematical approach to designing something like this :) ...
Fans of handspun yarn might like to jump over to Beauty of life through fiber arts and enter the giveaway! Also don't forget to enter my giveaway too ...
What else could be my Knitty Spring+Summer 2012 highlight but Bigger on the inside by Kate Atherley? ^_^ I'll be sure to make this one day - although I think I'd choose to replace the ribbed edge with perhaps garter st. My other favourite from this issue was Carousel, if I knit more socks one day, it will be these :) ...
I rather missed the boat on my three year blogoversary (it was the 27 March), but I'd still love to run a giveaway to thank you lovely readers for your support over the years! You may remember I had been playing with shrinky plastic (here and here). I haven't tried posting non-knitted creations, so if you have any tips on best way to...
Pattern: Haruni by Emily Ross Wonderful to knit, perfect pattern and softest yarn (Ella Rae Lace Merino from Tasmanian Woollen Co Photographed while visiting Daylsford ...
Update June 2015 - Peter Capaldi and War Doctor have now been included in the pattern. Hi everyone, exciting news today :) I have rewritten and combined the existing mini doctor patterns into one, and added the missing Doctors 2, 6, 7 and 8 :) Click cover to download PDF or here to view it on Ravelry The pattern now contains a basic...
Yay lovely fleece arrived last night from jumbukjulie. I love to discover Australian handdyers - if you know any good ones let me know :) ...
Among other projects, I've been slowly working on combining my mini doctor patterns into one. I'm hoping to add the missing doctors, include some people's lovely project photos in the pattern (so if you've made one don't be surprised if you get a request :p), and just make them more easy and fun to follow :) ...
I thought I'd post up my wips today :) My February-March wips Harumi shawl (rav link) by Emily Ross is up the back, and just needs to be properly photographed. Amelia by Laura Chau is down the front right. It is taking a while to knit up but I've almost finished the body, then just need to do the sleeves. Clearly I'm still obsessed...
A great gift or swap idea for doctor who fans ^_^ lisagaetjens on Ravelry created some mobius mitts using red, yellow, dark purple, tan, and blue to evoke the sense of Tom Baker's scarf - this makes me happy ^_^ If you'd like to crochet your own set of mobius mitts, grab the free pattern here ...
Not the most stylish photography today, but it was very tricky to capture the blended colours of the yarns I dyed last weekend without a spiffy camera. Pretty happy with these two, but still finding a slight added stickyness to the yarn after dyeing which makes me sad ...
~A fleece to yarn to hat story today~ Fleece: Multicolored combed wool top, Colonial Blue, from feistywomandesigns Spun into a tight two-ply Beret pattern: Crooked paths (rav link) by Melissa LaBarre (Knitted in 6 days while driving around Tasmania ^_^) ...