
Alien rabbit - finished

Monday, August 31, 2009
I recently bought a group of crochet patterns from the etsy shop crochetpattern. The one I really wanted was the beautiful alien bunny, which I have now made up :) I am very happy with him and am using him as a door stop. He leans against my bedroom door and stops it from closing all the time.It was a very easy and...



Doctor who crochet

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Progress with my tiny doctor whos is going well. I've done the bodies for William (1), Patrick (2), John (3), Tom (5), and Christopher (9) - and I've fully completed Peter (5) because he is my all time favourite doctor :) I think he turned out quite nicely - note the celery in his lapel. This is my completed 5th Doctor (see 5th...



Piggle the Cowboy - new pattern :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009
It has been a productive weekend so far.I wanted to test my hippo pattern so i started making one out of pink wool - but it seems he has turned into a pig! Then I made him a removeable hat to go between his ears :)And here is his story:Piggle the Cowboy hails from the Wild West. He is tough and strong and...



Scrap squares

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Because I tend to skip from project to project, I've found that I do create a lot of little scraps of different coloured yarns.I used to throw them out, but recently I've started tying them together and have been formulating some ideas about what to do with them.I've never really made any granny squares, because I don't have much patience for sticking to...



oh Melbourne...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Well you may think I have dyed myself a gradiented skirt when looking at this picture, but actually all I did was walk home from work in the middle of Melbourne's current storm. I had an umbrella (which went inside-out 8 times), and still everything I was wearing was completely soaked! Thanks connex for running trains only every 20 minutes :( if i'd...



Sunday craft markets & a few crafty faves

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Visited two markets today with a friend - the Sunday markets at southbank (under the Arts Centre bridge), and the craft market associated with the Melbourne Writers Festival which had a 'stories' theme. Saw some lovely resin bracelets at southbank, but they weren't quite as beautiful as my favourite ones on etsy: DELiciousDesignz and bobishi Both are lovely ladies from DUST (the Down...



Dugong in Disguise

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well here is my latest creation, Henry the Dugong. I am finally getting around to blogging about him. Download Free Pattern (pdf) Henry is named after Henry Tilney from Austen's Northanger Abbey (there is somewhat of a tradition of naming soft toys after Austen men in our share-house). We currently have Bingley the Sheep and Darcy the heart-shaped-pillow. Anyway here he is: And here...



Guess who?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Can you guess who I am making next? I am very excited, but it might be a bit of a long project. I need to make 10, perhaps 11 of these little guys, although I've started in the middle. Need to visit lincraft tonight and get some embroidery thread for the hair, and maybe some little beads for the eyes ...



Graduation Amigurumi

Sunday, August 16, 2009
This is a project I have been working on for a while. My friend has just finished an Engineering/Science degree and I wanted to make her something special to celebrate the graduation ceremony which is coming up. I decided to crochet a version of her holding her degree with a gown and hat (which we are not allowed to wear at our university...



Hearts and things

Friday, August 14, 2009
Hello, Well it's been a lovely week. I am feeling muchly cheered by the DUST team which I joined last week when I made me lions below, and by two exciting other things. There are now 4 people following my blog! *waves* this is a lovely feeling because it has been going for quite a while now without knowing if anyone was watching...



Dandy Lion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hello,When I was originally making my Lion for August, my friends told me that a spiky mane would look best. I was unsure and thought I would like to try and loopy mane because the stitching would be more interesting. I thought my friends were right, but I decided to make another baby lion to test it out. So this is Dandy Lion.It...



Lion for August

Sunday, August 09, 2009
Hello,After recently joining DUST (Down Under Street Team), who are having a Lion themed sale for August, I decided to try and create something small to fit the theme.This is my little lion, who would be great either as something to brighten up your desk at work/home, or as a toy for the kids to throw around/juggle.He is crocheted from yellow and red...


Scenic Desk Box

Saturday, August 01, 2009
As a well-intended attempt to make myself clean up my desk, I decided to turn an old shoe/boots box into to a desk container with different compartments. I made the middle sections from parts of cereal boxes, but out lots of scenic pictures from newspaper, and covered the box with colour :) ...

