Since the name of my blog/shop is pixelated mushroom, I thought it was about time I actually made a mushroom! This is a crochet amigurumi mushroom - as you can see, there are some gaps between the stitches and the white thread shows through where it shouldn't. My Doctor Whos have stalled a little, I'm so busy that i haven't had time to...
I had a nice weekend away, although didn't get through most of the things I had hoped to find time to do. Daylesford was much as I remembered, although the second-hand book shop now has a coffee shop inside it (think Black Books :p) and there was a particularly tasty bakery in the main street. The B&B (which was missing the second B)...
I'm taking a little bit of time off work this friday and monday to get away for the weekend and have some rest. We're going to drive to Daylesford and wander around there a bit - I hope it won't rain! I hope to get the world's most awesome slurpie/ice drink on the way there! (Granita from Coles Express :p - flavours include...
This is what I am currently up to :)Doesn't look very pretty yet but the squares are portable and I just don't have time to sort out different projects to pack in my bag each day.Hoping that before I get bored I will make enough of them to sew together and make something prettyThis is my made-up square pattern in case anyone is...
I love knitting fingerless gloves :) These blue ones are the first thing I have knitted using 4 needles - they were quite difficult to get used to, but no sewing is required afterwards which is wonderful.Definitely time for bed now, it's been a rather lame week :s ...
Download this pattern now from the pattern page -- Even though I made this little guy first I only just got around to finishing his pattern instructions the other night. I have now added the pattern to my Ravelry designer page also. I think I'll do the patterns for Tom or David next :) Sneak peak of Tom: __________ See all posts about Doctor Who __________ ...
Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying Ravelry at the moment :)It's a beautifully designed site/community that provides a place for knitters and crocheters to add their personal projects, patterns, and future (queued) plans - as well as join in with groups and a network of favourited projects.I love the way everything is linked together on Ravelry (projects, blog posts, images...
Well I'm back from Juggling Camp and am completely exhausted - it was quite fun, I really enjoyed the first day and used my new cathedral wick fire poi for the first time :D and they turned out awesomely :DThey are much bigger than my last pair (which I lost on a train :( ), and I think they will make some nice...