
Off on an adventure

Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm off on an adventure (read holiday) until the end of next week! Very sorry to those few emails/Ravelry messages I didn't get a chance to reply to - will get to you as soon as I get back! zoooom!Ace Airplane by Bumbleday ...



Hand dyed crochet flowers

Monday, October 25, 2010
More shiny things to show!These are my newest Mobius Mittens ^_^I received a sample pack of Tarndwarncoort yarns and thought the aqua hand dyed Polwarth yarn would make a lovely feature on these grey and teal gloves. I will probably be making a few more pairs with this designThe Mobius Mitts pattern has been tweaked again to make the increasing instructions a little...



Bowser kindle case

Monday, October 25, 2010
These blogger scheduled posts are very useful - I couldn't show this one earlier as it was a gift for my friend but I can now reveal this secret project!For Mario fans it may be obvious what is going on here, but for others a little explanation might be needed:I decided it would be cool to get the last scene of the original...


More light bulb recycling

Sunday, October 24, 2010
I have so much to post about before I go on holidays next week, but for the moment here's another little light globe made into a vase to brighten up our kitchen ...



Green Tea Scarf pattern giveaway

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The lovely Jess from Graceful Rose Designs has kindly offered to gift my Green Tea Scarf pattern to a Ravelry reader who comments on her blog post during October:Please pop over and visit Jess' blog for your chance to win ^_^ ...



1up Mushroom

Monday, October 18, 2010
Hi all, Wanted to quickly pop in and show you Allen's 1up mushroom rug! It's strange for me to see because it looks so similar to the one in my house - but green ^_^ I think Mario would prefer to eat this one Allen's picasa album can be found here. Thanks so much for showing me Allen! My red version with the...


fingerless gloves

Fingerless gloves love

Thursday, October 14, 2010
I just can't express how much I adore these gloves - so wonderfully inventive and interesting ^_^Chimera by Laris Designs (ravelry)Sneakers by TheStrangeKnitter (ravelry) ...



Mobius Mitts giveaway winner

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway and described what colour combinations they love :) It's great that everyone has such different tastes and ideas, and that many people made their descriptions quite evocativeSome of my personal faves and ones I'd love to try once I have visited the yarn shop were:- royal blue trimmed in black- gradually changing black to white- ivory/cream...



Doctor Who Treasuries

Monday, October 11, 2010
Some Doctor Who treasuries that I have been included in recently - thanks to Jensownzoo and MellyMo :)These can be a fun way of discovering handmade doctor who items as an alternative to the etsy searchDoctor Who?Trust Me, I'm a Doctor (Who?) ...



Purple people eating stash monster

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hello again, It's the most beautifully sunny day so I don't want to spend too much time online, but thought I'd just tell you about how my stash monster and I have reached an agreement. In my last two houses (really have to stop moving house so often!) my stash monster had lived on the floor greedily munching up the carpet space. This...



My Lavender Ave

Sunday, October 10, 2010
This week I won some yarn from a giveaway run by the lovely Jenn of It has been fun chatting to Jenn and she was even nice enough to post about my creations here. I enjoyed browsing through her blog too and particularly liked this little crochet skirt :)Thanks Jenn! Will be looking forward to deciding what to create with this yarn ^_^...



Ianto Jones Torchwood crochet pattern

Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Finally Jack won't be lonely! Took me a little one to write this one up as I didn't take very accurate notes when making his vest, but he's here at last :)Download Jack | Download IantoMake your own cuddly Torchwood pair Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones) and John Barrowman (Jack Harkness). These easy to crochet plushies are perfect to snuggle up to while watching...

