I finished these cable knit gloves today. I feel they didn't turn out quite the way I wanted. I think if I'd used slightly bigger needles and made them longer and bigger I would like them more. They were my first attempt at cables.Sometimes projects just don't work out the way you expect. It doesn't mean they didn't work, just that they are...
The winner of the Blueberry Fingerless Gloves is...** CHRISTINA! **Congrats! Christina has asked if she might have the red version of these gloves instead.Thanks to everyone who entered the contest - and for all your interesting ideas and comments :) ...
New free pattern! David Tennant Big and Cuddly I really should be in bed - but I wanted to post this up right away! Hope you like it! Any feedback welcome! Click on the above image to start the PDF download, or download it from the patterns page Plushie measures 36cm (14in) tall, with an arm span of 27cm (10.5in), size will vary...
I was inspired by several crocheters when deciding to start my doctor who amigurumi creations, and have featured a few of them below:Geek Central StationWonderful collection of adorable amigurumi based on many different fandoms. Here are some images of the Firefly cast, I also love the lord of the rings figures.Blog | Patterns on Etsy LucyRavenscarThere's a lot of starwars amigurumi out there,...
Squee! He's finished :DThis guy has been a long time in the making - I created the body and coat in late 2009 and started getting stressed about how to create the hair and face.There are a lot of great other doctor plushies out there such as stuffykin's wonderful patterns and lovely adaptations such as PinkPorcupine's Five. I wanted to create something a...
Knitwit Bangle - by LianaKabel (Permission has been granted for use of this image) Circular needles are the best! If I had enough I would use them for all my projects! I love them so much I am going to devote this post to them :) For those who haven't used circular needles, they consist of two short needles connected by a long...
"You're going to kill me. What a finely tuned response to the situation." My newest little Doctor - Peter Davison Wearing his cricket pants, jumper, hat, and jacket (complete with celery). Grab the pattern from the patterns page ...
Talia is done! Yay!I thought this would have taken me a lot longer but I enjoyed all of it!The back looks a bit nicer than the front in my opinion, but I am very happy with it! I have never done much blocking, so am not sure whether to do that with this project or not. It seems to fit ok except the...