
Ianto Jones Torchwood crochet pattern

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Finally Jack won't be lonely! Took me a little one to write this one up as I didn't take very accurate notes when making his vest, but he's here at last :)

Download Jack | Download Ianto

Make your own cuddly Torchwood pair Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones) and John Barrowman (Jack Harkness). These easy to crochet plushies are perfect to snuggle up to while watching Torchwood and Doctor Who :p Ianto's smile is very hard to pull off with yarn, so am looking forward to any other plushies people create!

2/10 Good for someone with some basics

Any 8ply acrylic yarn should be fine. I used mostly Magnum Soft 8ply

30cm tall, with an arm span of 24cm (average, will change depending on thickness of yarn

Visit Ianto on Ravelry

Other patterns in the Big and Cuddly series
Matt Smith | David Tennant | Rose | John Barrowman

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  1. Still need to learn to crochet. Maybe this winter I can slowly try to make these guys. They are so great!

  2. @Jingle thanks ^_^

    @sassypackrat winter is the perfect time :) would love to see some of your penguins in crocheted form :p

