
Treasury and resin fun

Thursday, December 31, 2009
In Melbourne it's 9.30am and it's already 30 degrees :/ Ick!Woke up really early because of the heat, but has been an exciting morning - two pattern sales and got featured in my first treasury - See my little Dugong in Disguise at the top left? yay! Many thanks to ArtNomadix! I love the blue MilkwoodDesign resin ring also featured. A friend and...



Cable crochet and new plushies

Sunday, December 27, 2009
I was intrigued by the idea of trying some cable crochet over the holidays, these are what I have been working on: Cable crochet fingerless gloves! I adapted the pattern from this starter scarf pattern which took me a little while to understand. I hope to write up the pattern for these cable gloves in the next few days. Yesterday I also worked...



Christmas Gifts 09

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Now I've finally given my Christmas gifts, I can post them up here without fear of spoiling surprises :) I knitted this pink and purple 'Dugong pretending to be a Shark' for my cousin. If you would like to make your own the pattern is available for purchase free from my patterns page or from Ravelry. I made a circular scarf for my mum. Emily Kausalik’s...



TARDIS for your christmas tree

Monday, December 07, 2009
Hi all, here's a super fast easy pattern for a TARDIS crochet ornament to hang on your xmas tree this year.The finished TARDIS turns out to be about 8cm tall, is hollow but keeps its shape when hung from a tree.DOWNLOAD PDF___Materials: Dark blue yarnScrap of white yarnScrap of light blue yarn3mm or 4mm crochet hookThe Pattern1) Magic circle 62) increase every st...



Giveaway Winner - David Tennant Plushie

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
I'm completely delighted to announce the winner of my first giveaway! ** LOUISE **is the lucky winner of a tiny David Tennant Doctor Who Plushie! For those of you who didn't win, you can always crochet your own from the pattern. --- I want to say a big thank you to everyone who entered, I loved receiving your comments as they were much...



John Pertwee pattern complete!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hi everyone, Surprised myself this morning by finishing off my 3rd Doctor pattern! Had a bit of a party last night and went to bed very late, so didn't expect to get much done today. Anyway, the pattern is available for download from the patterns page. as part of the Mini Doctor Whos PDF. Let me know what you think of him! I got...



Two things I am never without

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Since I can't show my newest project because it is a present, I thought I'd show two things that I can't do without :) And because I do all of my crafting while on trains, I guess this counts as my workspace too!Firstly, my knitting bag. My Aunt and Cousin gave it to me, and I take it with me everywhere stuffed full...



Tom Baker pattern complete!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Hi everyone, My Tom Baker (4th Doctor) pattern is finally available (patterns page as part of the Mini Doctor Whos PDF). It took me a while to write the scarf and curly hair. Any feedback muchly welcome! ...



Waters of Mars and a new project

Friday, November 20, 2009
Am sad that I haven't got to writing some more blog posts recently, particularly after all the thoughtful comments on the giveaway page. I am enjoying reading everyone's thoughts and look forward to finding a moment to take a look at people's twitter and blogs.Today was a particularly bad day, I got myself stressed about next year and the fact that bits of...



Eep! win!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Cool change in Melbourne has finally come through! Having a nice relaxing afternoon after braving the heat at Queen Vic Market this morning.Exciting discovery: email from Salad for Breakfast saying I had won these lovely plane wall decorations in their Verdigris Dye blog giveaway!Looking forward to using these to make my room more exciting :D Lots of other great wall decorations at this...



GIVEAWAY - David Tennant Doctor Plushie

Monday, November 02, 2009
(Giveaway closed - see announcement) I have decided to release my Doctor Who crochet patterns as PDFs - and to celebrate - a giveaway! read on! Download free PDF from the patterns page The Doctor Who community (and indeed the whole craft community) is such a sharing world to be involved in that I would like to see many of my Doctors be...



Another TARDIS

Sunday, November 01, 2009
I found another nice surprise on Ravelry this week. Gatchan from my logical song had made another TARDIS using my base pattern :) (PDF freely downloadable HERE) Again, the decoration is lovely! She has given me permission to feature these photos - aren't they awesome? :D ...


colour stranding

Tree of Gondor fingerless gloves completed

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Well this week I completed my fair isle fingerless gloves with the tree of Gondor on the back of the hands. They didn't turn out quite as nicely as I'd hoped, but they are still nice to wear. I've decided that even though working on 4 needles created a much nicer fit, it is much quicker and less stressful to just knit the...



Mushroom mushroom!

Monday, October 26, 2009
Since the name of my blog/shop is pixelated mushroom, I thought it was about time I actually made a mushroom! This is a crochet amigurumi mushroom - as you can see, there are some gaps between the stitches and the white thread shows through where it shouldn't. My Doctor Whos have stalled a little, I'm so busy that i haven't had time to...


colour stranding

More fingerless gloves and chocolates

Monday, October 19, 2009
I had a nice weekend away, although didn't get through most of the things I had hoped to find time to do. Daylesford was much as I remembered, although the second-hand book shop now has a coffee shop inside it (think Black Books :p) and there was a particularly tasty bakery in the main street. The B&B (which was missing the second B)...



Away for the weekend

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm taking a little bit of time off work this friday and monday to get away for the weekend and have some rest. We're going to drive to Daylesford and wander around there a bit - I hope it won't rain! I hope to get the world's most awesome slurpie/ice drink on the way there! (Granita from Coles Express :p - flavours include...



Pink Squares & Pattern

Sunday, October 11, 2009
This is what I am currently up to :)Doesn't look very pretty yet but the squares are portable and I just don't have time to sort out different projects to pack in my bag each day.Hoping that before I get bored I will make enough of them to sew together and make something prettyThis is my made-up square pattern in case anyone is...


fingerless gloves

Fingerless gloves

Friday, October 09, 2009
I love knitting fingerless gloves :) These blue ones are the first thing I have knitted using 4 needles - they were quite difficult to get used to, but no sewing is required afterwards which is wonderful.Definitely time for bed now, it's been a rather lame week :s ...



Fifth Doctor pattern complete

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Download this pattern now from the pattern page -- Even though I made this little guy first I only just got around to finishing his pattern instructions the other night. I have now added the pattern to my Ravelry designer page also. I think I'll do the patterns for Tom or David next :) Sneak peak of Tom: __________ See all posts about Doctor Who __________ ...




Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying Ravelry at the moment :)It's a beautifully designed site/community that provides a place for knitters and crocheters to add their personal projects, patterns, and future (queued) plans - as well as join in with groups and a network of favourited projects.I love the way everything is linked together on Ravelry (projects, blog posts, images...



Juggling Camp

Monday, October 05, 2009
Well I'm back from Juggling Camp and am completely exhausted - it was quite fun, I really enjoyed the first day and used my new cathedral wick fire poi for the first time :D and they turned out awesomely :DThey are much bigger than my last pair (which I lost on a train :( ), and I think they will make some nice...




Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I came home to two lovely surprises tonight :D Firstly the pendant that I won in the KanYoFuse giveaway on Life, Love, YARN arrived in the mail! Very exciting! And here it is! An awesome thing about getting this one of the three (which is more orange than it looks in this photo ) is that I just coloured my hair red too...



Resin ring giveaway (link)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A resin ring from one of my favourite shops, DELicious Designz, is part of a giveaway at Adelle's blog! Click here here to go to the giveaway page. Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade DELiciousDesignz.etsy.com ...

